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Children's Hospital of Alabama

Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama
1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233

About Children's Hospital of Alabama

  • Top Sponsors
  • Top Collaborators
  • Trials By Phase
  • Recruitment Status
  • Top Conditions
  • Intervention Types
  • Top Intervention Names
  • Trials By Gender

Clinical Trials at Children's Hospital of Alabama

During the past decade, Children's Hospital of Alabama conducted 182 clinical trials. In the 10-year time frame, 182 clinical trials started and 102 clinical trials were completed, i.e. on average, 56% percent of trials that started reached the finish line to date. In the past 5 years, 87 clinical trials started and 56 clinical trials were completed. i.e. 64.4% of trials that started reached the finish line.

Clinical Trials Sponsors and Collaborators

Out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" #1 sponsor was "Children's Oncology Group" with 100 trials, followed by "National Cancer Institute (NCI)" with 72 trials sponsored, "University of Alabama at Birmingham" with 17 trials sponsored, "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)" with 6 trials sponsored and "Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati" with 6 trials sponsored. Other sponsors include 98 different institutions and companies that sponsored additional 73 trials in total.
In terms of collaborators to trials, out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" #1 collaborator was "National Cancer Institute (NCI)" with 99 trials as a collaborator, "Children's Oncology Group" with 12 trials as a collaborator, "Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati" with 9 trials as a collaborator, "University of Alabama at Birmingham" with 9 trials as a collaborator and "National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)" with 7 trials as a collaborator. Other collaborators include 236 different institutions and companies that were collaborators in the rest 172 trials.

Clinical Trials Conditions at Children's Hospital of Alabama

According to Clinical.Site data, the most researched conditions in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" are "Recurrent Malignant Solid Neoplasm" (28 trials), "Refractory Malignant Solid Neoplasm" (27 trials), "Recurrent Neuroblastoma" (24 trials), "Recurrent Osteosarcoma" (23 trials) and "Refractory Neuroblastoma" (18 trials). Many other conditions were trialed in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" in a lesser frequency.

Clinical Trials Intervention Types at Children's Hospital of Alabama

Most popular intervention types in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" are "Drug" (202 trials), "Other" (137 trials), "Biological" (75 trials), "Procedure" (73 trials) and "Radiation" (41 trials). Other intervention types were less common.
The name of intervention was led by "Laboratory Biomarker Analysis" (79 trials), "Cyclophosphamide" (47 trials), "Pharmacological Study" (42 trials), "Vincristine Sulfate" (41 trials) and "Etoposide" (31 trials). Other intervention names were less common.

Clinical Trials Genders at Children's Hospital of Alabama

The vast majority of trials in "Children's Hospital of Alabama" are 298 trials for "All" genders, 3 trials for "Female" genders and 2 trials for "Male" genders.

Clinical Trials Status at Children's Hospital of Alabama

Currently, there are 179 active trials in "Children's Hospital of Alabama". 3 are not yet recruiting, 77 are recruiting, 97 are Active, not recruiting, and 2 are Enrolling by invitation. In total, there were 110 completed trials in Children's Hospital of Alabama, 4 suspended trials, and 6 terminated clinical trials to date.
Out of the total trials that were conducted in Children's Hospital of Alabama, 59 "Phase 1" clinical trials were conducted, 108 "Phase 2" clinical trials and 96 "Phase 3" clinical trials were conducted as well. "Phase 4" trials included 2 trials, and there were also 20 trials that are defined as “Not Applicable".

Departments of Children's Hospital of Alabama

Children's Hospital of Alabama has several departments that took part in Clinical trials: "Pediatrics East - Alabama Clinical Therapeutics" - 5 trials, "CFF Pediatric Program, University of Alabama" - 2 trials, "Greenvale Pediatrics - Hoover" - 2 trials